October 27, 2004

10/27 - Plastic Baggage: choking the world's oceans with the bags you bring home

Several years ago friends of mine started saying NO to plastic bags at the stores. I had not realized how crazy it has gotten. This article talks about "tundra ghosts," and "landfill snowbirds." It's bad. And the Ocean Conservancy reported collecting nearly a half million this year with their Coastal Cleanup. Yeeks.

In the Number Five position, for most common items in this years Coastal Cleanup by The Ocean Conservancy, it was plastic bags. They're everywhere, they're everywhere.

Posted by Randy Olson at October 27, 2004 07:12 AM

It's pretty arrogant that we use these bags once and they outlast us ten times over. 1000 years for those bags to continue as a hazard for life just so it's easy to tote your groceries.

Bags rated highly in the last two cleanups in Utah.
Quantity-wise, they rated #5 this year. Plastic overall, though, was #1. Bags, bottles, cups, plates, and other plastic food containers.

Plastic--the material that keeps on killing.

Posted by: jon at October 29, 2004 05:42 AM