May 02, 2005

5/2 - Shock and Awe: NASA data shows globe is warming

Yawn. The ten thousandth data set from NASA shows ... drum roll, please ... the earth is getting warmer. Amazing how far you have to go to prove a simple fact when an Administration doesn't want to believe it. Glaciers melting, climate changing, animal distributions shifting, and politicians denying it.

On a different, much more nerdly note ... the sixth paragraph of the article begins with, "With this data ..." If there was one tiny thing they managed to drill into our skulls in graduate school it is that the word "data" am plural, as in "With these data ..." or the singular, "With this datum ..." I guess the A.P. is slipping in their standards.
Glaciers: Visit them while they last

Posted by Randy Olson at May 2, 2005 02:40 AM