May 05, 2005

5/5 - Cudos to the Chesapeake Club for Classy and Clever Commercials

At least someone has figured out the power of television. Two weeks ago at the Scripps Biodiversity Conference someone presented a pie chart showing that 44% of the American public get their science and technology information from television, which is more than any other medium. Which just brings up my eternal question of why, oh why, doesn't the ocean conservation "movement" channel 44% of their communication effort into television, rather than the endless mountains of brochures and pamphlets that litter the floors of events and end up in office trash cans?
So check out these nice and simple ads from the Chesapeake Club.
THIS is how it's done.

Posted by Randy Olson at May 5, 2005 01:22 PM

I could not agree more. We cant expect to be successful without increasing public involvement. Personally, as silly as this may sound, I hope to begin bothering Oprah on a regular basis in hopes that she will do something (even if it is just to run some healthy fish recipes in her magazine) to raise awareness (imagine if we could reach HER audience!!). I have also been thinking about the impact of some sort of documentary designed to appeal to a wide audience... think "Winged Migration" in the water...

Posted by: Emily at May 6, 2005 03:00 PM