May 11, 2005

5/11 - Tilting At Windmills in Massachusetts

I've gotten several e-mails over the past couple weeks from people asking whether we're aware of the Nantucket windmills situation (the planned construction of 130 wind turbines just offshore of Cape Cod) that is heating up. Yesterday the project crossed a major regulatory hurdle, turning up the heat another notch. And here's an essay by George Woodwell, Director of the Woods Hole Research Center, arguing in favor of the project which is opposed by the Governor and Senator Ted Kennedy.
Windmills: Cute in Europe, not so much on the coast of Massachusetts.

Posted by Randy Olson at May 11, 2005 09:15 AM

I've recently visited a wind farm in the South-West of West Australia in the township of Albany. I was awe struck at their beauty. It was amazing to see these windmills turning in the strong southern ocean winds producing nothing but clean energy.

Posted by: Brendan La Mar at May 12, 2005 11:51 PM

This is shaping up to be a rather sad internal battle for the environmental movement -- clean energy vs. clean oceans. Ugh.

Posted by: Randy Olson at May 13, 2005 12:02 PM