March 02, 2006

3/2 - FRIDAY NIGHT WITH DR. JEREMY JACKSON: Watch him live on the WEB!!!

Planning to spend Friday night cleaning out your cat litter box? Wishing there was something better to watch than old episodes of The Golden Girls? In the mood to see a pony-tailed sexy sexagenarian who looks like Mick Jagger's older brother? Then tune into the LIVE WEBCAST of Dr. Jeremy Jackson at the University of Texas (7:00 CST) as he weaves his tale of the Brave New Oceans that lay in our future.

Jackson 5 Rushmore.jpg
Jackson 5.0: Which of these Jacksons would you most like to see in a LIVE WEBCAST this Friday night at 7:00 CST?

Posted by Randy Olson at March 2, 2006 12:10 AM