August 10, 2004

8/10 - Accosting the Brick Wall: OpEd after OpEd after OpEd for the oceans.


I think OpEd readers of America are pretty much ready to cry uncle on the oceans issue. Last week saw yet another wave of OpEds (NY Times, Washington Post, Monterey Herald) about the dire state of the oceans. There have been literally hundreds of OpEds about the oceans published over the past two years (including mine for Shifting Baselines). And how many television commercials?

Would it make sense for a political candidate to direct all of his or her resources towards print media instead of television? Even Sam Donaldson, being interviewed by Ali G, conceded, "we live in a television society - if it's not on television it's not an issue."

Why so many OpEds? Is it like being the nerd on the playground and yelling at your nerd friends instead of trying to confront the bully?

Posted by Randy Olson at August 10, 2004 08:02 PM