March 22, 2005

3/22 - Tales of William Ichthyo: New documentary on billfish

Here's the description of a new documentary on billfish:

The billfish documentary is about the billfish species— marlin, sailfish and spearfish— which draw millions of sports anglers to their waters around the world to engage in an always thrilling battle in which both can usually depart as victors. But despite their legendary strength and their eons of history in the planet’s oceans, these magnificent animals are vanishing. What’s happening to them and how they can be conserved is the subject of this enlightening and exciting made for television billfish documentary.

billfish graphic.jpg

Billfish: the poster child for shifting baselines

Posted by Randy Olson at March 22, 2005 05:44 PM

Thanks Randy, as usual I am looking for films for the Hawaii Ocean FF until the moment the lights go out. This one sounds like a winner.

Posted by: mel at April 3, 2005 08:59 PM